Gender-based violence

CAVI Services

The Center for specialized care for women victims of domestic violence offers individual and group counseling to women victims of abuse, providing the necessary support to enhance their social and psychological skills to deal successfully with their experiences.

Professional team comprising a psychologist, a social worker and a lawyer.

What women can go to CAVI? 

- All women who suffer or have suffered abuse by their partners or ex-partners or think they may be in a similar situation.

- The CAVI offers comprehensive care, personalized and free long enough to break and leave the abusive situation.


112 (emergency).

C/ Fernández Caballero.
Ed/ Montesinos, 1ºE.
30.870 (Mazarrón)

Other services offered from the CAVI

- Carrying out specific activities or workshops aimed at women in the municipality.
- Campaigns of prevention, awareness and information.
- Coordination with the bodies and state security forces.
- Mobile telecare service for women victims of gender violence.
- Psychological services for under-age girls who have suffered or are suffering from an abusive relationship.
- Referral to psychological care service hij @ s of women victims of gender violence.
- Referral to housing resources, emergency center, foster homes and supervised apartments.
- It carries out the coordination protocol SEF-iMRM to improve social and vocational integration of women victims of domestic violence in the municipality of Mazarron.


The CAVI is open every Monday through Friday mornings and two afternoons.
- Monday through Thursday from 9:00 2:30 p.m., and Friday from 9.00am to 14.00h.
- Monday and Thursday also in the afternoon from 16.00 to 8:00 p.m.