The ambulance, fully equipped with medical material, has required an investment of 57.536 euros

Mazarrón has since today a new ambulance thanks to the work of the foreign residents community  of the town that, heahed by the association “Protection and Life Saving” (PALS) and other groups like  “Lions International” and “C.A.F.E.”, has raised funds to buy a new vehicle that has been donated to the Town Hall of Mazarrón which, at the same time, will make it available to “Red Cross Mazarrón”. The event of delivery took place this morning and it has been chaired by the Mayor of Mazarrón, Ginés Campillo, who has been accompanied by the Cónsul Honario of British Embassy, Antonio Berdonces, the president of “PALS”, Ken Payne, and the president of  “Red Cross Mazarrón”, Carmen Navarro.

Also attended to the event the Deputy Mayor of Urban Planning, Francisco García, the councils of Health and Civil Protection, María Martínez and Miguel Mª García, the distric Mayor of El Saladillo (distric where live the largest number of foreign residents), José Andrés Navarro, the responsable of the Municipal Emergency Services (SEM) and Civil Protection, Pedro “Arias”, and a large number of representatives of the different associations of foreign residents mentioned above.

The foreign residents, of British nationality mainly, “have got to collect the 57.536,23 euros necessary to buy the ambulance and enable it with the necessary medical material to make it available to all the citizens of the town of Mazarrón”, has stated Ken Payne. Of that total amount, 28.982,95 euros corresponds to the new ambulance brand Wolkswagen, 25.000 euros to the transformation of the vehicle and  3.553,28 euros to the mecial material which has inside.

The president of “Red Cross Mazarrón”, Carmen Navarro, has thanked enormously this donation “that will help us to continue providing the services that were carrying out for all the citizens, whatever their nationality, from the institution that I chair”. The Cónsul Honario of the Brithish Embassy, Antonio Berdonces, has highlighted the important work that the foreign community is carrying out not only for Mazarrón also for Murcia Region “as since its beginning has donated more than 100.000 euros in medical and health material that has been used in the emergency services of the town, and also in the services of Lorca due to the earthquake”.

The Mayor of Mazarrón, Ginés Campillo, has highlighted “the great work that carries out this group, even more important in our town, which should serve us as an example  to undertake, ever stronger if it is possible, the necessary policies of protection and support to the citizens that we are promoting from the town hall, despite of the constant adjustments that we have from the central and autonomous administration”.

Also, the 3.553,28 euros of the medical material of the ambulance are inside of a bigger donation made by this community destined to the purchase of health material for the field hospital of the Emergency Services and Civil Protection of Mazarrón and of three external semi automatic desfibrillators that, with other three acquired by the the council of Sports of the Town Hall, will be enabled soon in six sport centers of the town. This donation (inclusive the 3.553,28 euros of the health material of the ambulance) amounts to a total of 11.281,16 euros.