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With the advent of increased COVID infections and a new highly contagious variant it is imperative now more than ever that COVID prevention measures are adhered to, the Camposol urbanisation has seen a surge of infections recently and 2 COVID related deaths reported on the urbanisation in the last 2 weeks, anyone who tests positive for COVID or has symptoms (a high temperature, a new continuous cough or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste) should self-isolate immediately and phone Murcia Salud (Regional Health Authority) on 900 12 12 12 where further instructions will be given in English if required, there may be some recorded messages in Spanish at the beginning of the call but do not hang up as an operator will answer if unsure say “Habla Ingles” and the operator will speak English or transfer the call to an English speaker, it is ESSENTIAL that the instructions given are followed to prevent further spread of infection. 

Even if a COVID test result shows positive but there are no symptoms the virus will still be transmissible and self-isolation is essential following the above protocol. 

It is everyone’s social and civic responsibility to follow the COVID measures to prevent further proliferation of this disease, measures include having the appropriate vaccinations, the correct wearing of masks to cover both the mouth and nose, social distancing, use of hand sanitisers and when shopping to use the disposable gloves provided when handling fresh produce.