The Plenum approves the Budget Framework that will rule the municipal budget for the next three years

The Municipal Plenum of the Town Hall of Mazarrón approved in its ordinary session correspondent  to October the initial approval of the Bylaw of Honors and Distinctions of the Town Hall of Mazarrón. The proposal, presented from Mayoralty and approved by unanimity, “contains the titles of Honorary Citizens of the Villa, Adoptive Son and Daughter of Mazarrón, Medal of Honor of the Villa, designation of Oficial Chronicler of the Villa, Designation of Woman of Mazarrón, Nomination of buildings, roads and public squares and Signature of the Honor Book”, as explained the Mayor of Mazarrón, Ginés Campillo.

Related with this issue, it was initially also approved and by unanimity the initiation of the proceeding to name to the doctor Salvador Zamora Navarro as Honorary Son  of the Villa of Mazarrón and to the forestal Francisco Salvador Jiménez as Adoptive Son of the Villa of Mazarrón. The Mayor, Ginés Campillo who also presented these proposals, explained that  “ finished the process of these recognitions, will process to give the titles to the honorees in the traditional Plenum of La Constitución that will hold on 6th December”.

Also were approved by unanimity the rest of the presented issues by the delegated councilors of the areas of the Town Hall. So, from Hacienda (Tax Department) was approved the Budget Framework of the accounts of the Town Hall for the next three years, as requires the Law of  Budgetary Stability and Financial Sustainability  and that “has as aim that the Municipal Budgets for the next three years be elaborated under this framework, that will guarantee a coherent budget planning  with the aims of budgetary stability and public debt”, pointed out the concilor for  Hacienda Andrés Valera.

From Social Services came two issues. In the first one there was also full agreement to change the annex of grants of the General Budget of the Town Hall. The councilor for Social Policy, María Martínez, explained that  “by a misunderstanding, allocated 10.000 euros to‘Cáritas’ when in the relation must appear some organizations that collaborate with the town hall in different social works”. In this way, this quantity is divided between ‘Cáritas Mazarrón (2.500 euros), ‘Cáritas Puerto de Mazarrón’ (2.500 euros), Association ‘Nuevo Rumbo’ (2.500 euros) and ‘Making-Difference’ (2.500 euros).

The other issue of Social Services that was approved by unanimity was the approval of the Municipal Bylaw Regulator of Internal Regime  of the ‘Care Unit to Alzheimer Patients and other Dementias’ that in some days will start to provide, thanks to the full funding by the Town Hall of Mazarrón, in the Municipal Day Care Center of elderly people. The councilor María Martínez highlighted that “with this approval are regularized the services that contemplates to provide this service and that consist in psychologist, physiotherapist, social worker and occupational therapy”.

On the other side, Local Development brought to the Plenum the proposal to approve the members that will be part of the Consejo Rector of the Local Development Agency of the Town Hall of Mazarrón, after the approval of the statutes of this agency. The councilor for Employment, Training and Local Development, Matilde Blázquez, announced that “these members will be Julio Blas María Dolores Espejo of Izquierda Unida-Los Verdes, Andrés Valera Hernández of Unión Independiente de Mazarrón, Juan Miguel Muñoz Blaya of Partido Socialista Obrero Español, José Gómez García of Partido Representativo de Mazarrón and Yolanda Vivancos Blaya of Partido Popular”.

The resignation of the posts numbers 33 and 34 of the  Mercado de Abastos of Mazarrón ‘Cresta del Gallo’, completed the issues to the areas of the town hall. The delegated councilor of Commerce, David Fernández, said that “these resignations correspond to a jewelery-watches shop  and added to others that have been produced in the last month. Face this decrease of the activity in the building, we are going to start up in a short time the Vivero Municipal of Companies of the ‘Cresta del gallo’ to support to new entrepreneurs, energizing the economic activity in the town”.

After that, were approved a total of 9 motions presented by the Municipal Group Izquierda Unida – Los Verdes (4 motions), the Municipal Group Socialista (2), the Municipal Group Popular (2) and Mayoralty (1). The first one of Izquierda Unida – Los Verdes urged to the Central Government to the elaboration of the appropriate legislative measures for a new writing of the Real Decreto Ley 6/2012 with the purpose that its annex, named ‘Code of Good Practice for the sustainable restructuration of the debts with mortgage guarantee on the the principal residence’, be included in the article of this real decreto which deals with the urgent protection measures for the mortgage debtors without resources.

The second of their approved motions was also addressed to the Central Government and on it showed the rejection of the Municipal Plenum to the reform of the the local administration, requesting to the President  Rajoy to remove this law project so that they reach and agreement with the town halls. The third one was addressed to the Regional Government and on it showed other rejection. In this occasion, the plenum showed its rejection to the possible closure of emergency of the hospital  ‘Nuestra Señora del Rossel’, and also the maintenance of the jobs of the health centre and maintaining this hospital as second hospital of reference of the Health Area II of Cartagena, to which it is attached  the town of Mazarrón. The last motion of Izquierda Unida-Los Verdes requested to the National Government to discount the price of the electrical energy consumed in desalination plants and addressed to irrigation as happens with the ‘Virgen del Milagro’.

Also were approved the 2 motions presented by the Socialista Municipal Group. In the first one was rejected the new copayment for the medications that are dispensed in the hospitals on an outpatient basis and urged to the Regional Government to request to the Ministry of Health, Social Affairs and Equal to remove this norm and to announce, as other regional governments have done, that this resolution will not be effective in Murcia Region. The other motion was also related about Health and on it urged to the Government of  Valcárcel to be made 2 mammographies (one cráneo-cauda and other oblicuo-medio-lateral) to all the women of the areas of health II and VIII (Cartagena where belongs Mazarrón and Mar Menor) within of the  prevention campaign of breast cancer, and not only one.

Also, were approved  2 motions of the Grupo Municipal Popular. In the first of them requested to the  la Dirección General de Catastro (land registry) the review of the cadastral  values  of the urban properties of the town for the year  2015 and, in the second place, to change the ordinance regulating the tax about the Increase in Value of Urban Land including an article that says that will consider as taxable person substitute of the taxpayer the entity that gets the property in the transmissions made by the mortgage debtors without resources, with the occasion of the dation in payment of the property, without the a substitute can require of the taxpayer the amount of the satisfied tax obligations, all according with the Real Decreto – Ley 6/2012 of 9 March”.

La última moción de la noche, que llegó desde Alcaldía, instaba al Gobierno de la Nación a que contemple en los Presupuestos Generales del Estado para el próximo año las partidas económicas necesarias destinadas a la redacción del proyecto para el acometimiento de obras de corrección hidrológica consistentes en la construcción de dos presas en las ramblas de Las Moreras y el Reventón y la mejora y reparación de la desembocadura de la rambla de las Moreras en Bolnuevo, así como labores que acoten el perímetro de la citada desembocadura por parte de la Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura (CHS).

Also, it was requested that the CHS finishes as soon as possible the reparation of the bridge in Cañadas del Romero that sank because of the torrential waters in September 2012, warning to this organization that whatever personal or material  injury that be produced with reason of this neglect and lack of attention to the town of de Mazarrón, will be direct responsibility of this basin organization.