The school number 3 of Puerto de Mazarrón officially be named “Miguel Delibes”

The municipal plenary agreed to pass yesterday in its ordinary session of February the initial approval of the statutes of the future  sports patronage. As explained the council of this area,Andrés Valera, " due to the importance that the sport has in the town we consider necessary the creation of this local organism destined to improve and optimize the resources that the town hall has”. Mazarrón Mayor, Ginés Campillo, specified that "the Patronage objective is manage the resources in a professional way, looking for a professionalization of the sports services reducing costs that are destined to this area".

The creation of this Patronage will not be an additional cost for the municipal coffers as "the budget for this department will be the same as last year ”, clarified the sports council. “It is not set up an organism which we have to provide money, but  it takes over of managing and optimizing the resources improving the services that we offer”. The statutes will be publicly exposed for that everyone can present the appropriate allegations before its final approval.

Other of the approvals carried out was the disaffectation of a municipal car that, although it was designed for police functions, it was used for giving a service to the Mayor´s Office. When this car, Citröen C5, will become a patrimony assets, its use will de destined to cover the needs of the Town Hall. The matter was passed by unanimity and in the same way that for the new name for the school number 3 of Puerto de Mazarrón that now is named  C.E.I.P. “Miguel Delibes”.

Besides it was passed the adhesion of the Town Hall known as “Pacto de los Alcaldes” (Mayor´s Covenant). With this adhesion the town hall agrees to reduce its emissions of CO2 in a 20% during the first years,and as well to reduce the same percentage in power consumption. As Mazarrón Mayor explained, Ginés Campillo, “with this approval not only we undertake to protect and defend the environment, as well we will save in the electric bill”.

Other point that got the  favorable vote of all the councils was the approval and rejection of two allegations to the citizen particiation regulation that, once it was published in the Region of Murcia Newsletter  (BORM), it will be the tool that check the running and development of the citizen participation councils that weekly are held in different places of the town .

Also should be  noted that from the New Technologies Council it was proposed the creations of two cumputer files for setting the actual file in the Town Hall to the Organic Law 15/1.999 of Protection of Personal Data. As explained the council of the area, Matilde Blázquez, “The creation of applications file by direct debit of  receipts and  other one of self-assessment of taxes not only will help to improve the service that the Town Hall gives to the citizens, but also it will let to be updated with the current legislation”. The proposal was passed by unanimity.

As well there was a consensus in a modification no structural of the  project number 75 of the General Urban Plan (PGOU) in the field of Action Unit U02/16 located next to the Moreras roundabout. With the approval it was changed the use of land of  Extended Industrial to Tertiary and  divides the action unit in 2 scope, with its correspondent green areas and without increasing the buildability. Also were passed the general accounts of  2008, 2009 y 2010 thanks to the exhaustvie work carried  out by Treasury and Mayor Council.

Finally to add that it was passed a motion that  Unión Independiente of Mazarrón (UIDM) presented and which was extended to all the political groups of the plenary in defense to the local agriculture, urging to the Autonomous Community and Spain Government to avoid that next 15 February be passed an agreement in the Eurocamera that will allow to third countries like Marocco a bigger export of products. According the Plenary that agreement would suppose a reverse almost definitive to the  farmers, producers and exportes of Mazarrón, above all to those that cultivates tomatoes.

The Government team accepted  favorably the proposal of Popular Municipal Group which asked that, from now, different municipal documents, such as reports or files, can be reported to the councils of the Town Hall by email, saving paper and ink and preserving at the same time the environment.