More than 300 registered people ensure the success of this event along Mazarrón coast

This Sunday 5th February it is held a new sporting event in the town which joins to those carried out in the last months and  “Bahía de Mazarrón” Athletics Club as promoter of some of them. On this occasion is a half marathon, distance of 21 km,  around Puerto de Mazarrón, Alamillo and Bolnuevo. Today was held the official presentation with the attendance of Mazarrón Mayor, Ginés Campillo, sports council, Andrés Valera, and the Club President and organizer of the event, Pedro Lorite.

As explained Pedro Lorite 5 categories were arranged, 4 according to the ages of the participants which they are Senior, Veteran@s “A”, Veteran@s “B”, Veteran@s “C”, besides the fifth categorie, called Local, composed by registered people (Padrón) in Mazarrón with at least one year old. All of them show male and female modalities which the three first one will receive a trophy. Besides, the two best athletes in each modality will receive a Ham as a special prize.

The starts is scheduled at 10 am from Comunidades Autónomas square of  Puerto de Mazarrón with maximun time of 2 hours and a half. In the race will be able to participate people from 18 years old and the registration fee is 15€,  except if it is made the same day of the event which will be 20€. The dorsals and the chip will be given before the start of the competition which will be timed by the company CONCHIP. Through the web site of this company ( registrations can be done.

The event admits a maximun of  400 participants and in this moment there are few vacancies because there are "more than 300 peopole registered and only one week to hold the event, so we can say that it has a successfully secured", has confirmed Pedro Lorite. On the other hand, the responsible for sports of the town hall, Andrés Valera, has stated that “this event is born with the vocation of lasting in the time, so from the Town Hall they are going to support this initiative as they made last October with the I Popular Race arranged by this club which had a successful participation and as well as organizational level.

The Mazarrón Mayor, Ginés Campillo, has highlighted the importance of this kind of celebrations "because they open the door to a new kind of tourist who likes sports and after running the tourist can spend the day in our town". Besides, he has stood out the beauty of the race " which will be developed  along the coast, with an attractive added value, with few national examples”. All together is an opportunity " to let  that others can know us. We have to show that we have and this is a good way".

Everything is ready  for the race will be a success. There will have available showers in  Manuela Romero school for the participants and liquid refreshment in each 5 Km, and as well one special on the arrival with liquid and solid. Besides, all the participants will receive a gift bag to participate thanks to the support of the spondors that, once more, has helped to “Bahía de Mazarrón” Athletics Club and as well some hotels that make special offers to the athletes.

The Club president has thanked to the sponsors their unconditional support " as it is a work and effort together with the successful of the events that we are holding". As well the presindet has thanked the collaboration of the Town Hall, Police, Red Croos and Emergency services, and has asked the citizen collaboration for Sunday " as there will be a traffic court which can produce inconveniences.