The El Saladillo District had a day with religious and festive functions for all ages

The El Saladillo District honoured St Joseph last Wednesday 19th March as their Patron Saint. They did it by several functions, starting with a Holy Mass in the District chapel celebrated by the parish priest of St  Andrew & St Anthony, Julio Romero. Councillor for Rural Development, Magdalena Méndez, and the District Mayor of El Saladillo, José Navarro, also attended the Mass. After that, there was a procession of St Joseph in the surroundings of the chapel.

After the religious functions, and thanks to "El Saladillo" restaurant, everybody could enjoy free paella. At the same time, the children could enjoy an inflatable bouncy castle while the performances took place. They were made by the singer "Pitu", the choral ensemble "Bahía de Mazarrón", from the Day Care Centre of Puerto de Mazarrón, and the flamenco horse dance show from the "El mazarronero" association. There was also a First Aid talk and demonstration by association "FAST".

According to the District Mayor of El Saladillo, "in this year Fiesta there have been around 350 attendants, improving last year's figure of around 250". Navarro also pointed out that "during the day the first El Saladillo Fiesta magazine was distributed". The Councillery of Festivities of the Town Hall of Mazarrón cooperated with the elaboration of the magazine. The District Mayor stated that "this is something we the residents want to thank the government team for their constant attention to our District".