The Municipal Plenum also approves the designations of some streets in Mazarrón, Puerto and Cañada de Gallego

The Municipal Plenum of the town Hall of Mazarrón definitively approved yesterday the Regulation of the Organization and Operation of the Local Police of Mazarrón with votes in favor of the government team. As explained the councilor for Police Local, Isidro Coy, "there have been allegations of SIME and CSIC unions that must be rejected as indicated in his legal report Thomas Matallanos, legal advisor of the Town Hall. The regulation will come into full force once it is published in the Official Bulletin of the Region of Murcia (BORM), "said the councilor.

Coy explained again that "this regulation sets the rights and duties of the officers of the local police of Mazarrón for a proper operation of our municipal security force" and recalled that "it is not a punishment for anything or anyone as with it the agents get much more than lose. "The councilor added that "we habe been congratulated by other security agencies to carry out this initiative and even some town halls have asked it to us, so it was not made to annoy anyone but to have a respectable body of police."

Also, it was approved the new denomination and change of the name of some streets in various parts of the town of Mazarrón. The Councilor for Statistics, Matilde Blázquez, realized this proposal in which in the first place was requested "the denomination in Mazarrón of an alley that joins the street Maestro Eugenio Calderón with the street Murcia as alley 'Mastro Pascualo' known teacher of masonry  in the town, because currently the alley lacks of any name that identifies it. "

Also in Cañada de Gallego "the neighbors of the area submitted a  writing in November 2013 in which they stated that a few years ago were designated, for the purposes of police and Statistics, the places of 'Loma del Pimentón’  and' Loma de los Pinilla 'with other names, "explained the councilor who added that "for lack of roots those names and in order to safeguard the original names, we propose to change the street Monteverdi for  'Loma del Pinilla’ and denominate 'Loma del Pimentón’  to a small stretch of street without name. "

Finally, in Puerto de Mazarrón "is proposed to name with the name of José Gaspar, 'Adopted Son' of Mazarrón and Gold Shield of the Village, the street that connects sierra de Cazorla Street with Avenue Doctor Meca because it lacks of name, "said Blázquez. Also in Puerto de Mazarrón, "relatives of Mariano Yúfera have repeatedly asked, as agreed in plenum in February 2003, to nominate 'Paseo Alcalde Mariano Yúfera Guirao' to the stretch of promenade that goes from the so-called 'Casa Rolandi to the dry riverbed of Los Lorentes and that currently is called ' Paseo del Rihuete' "said the councilor. The item was approved by unanimity.

The government team also approved two motions submitted by the municipal group Izquierda Unida – Los verdes and that was defended by its spokesman, David Fernández. In the first one, which was linked to the repealed system 'Bono Libro, was requested to the government of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia (CARM) " that the budget items and the necessary legal tools were enabled to make effective the gratuity of the textbooks in the cycles of compulsory education for centers of public funding", communicating this approval "to the Minister of Education, the political groups of the Regional Assembly and the Federation of Associations of Parents of the Region of Murcia", said Fernandez.

The other motion urged to  the National Government to "repeal the law 23/2013 of 23 December, regulatory of the Factor of  Sustainability and the Index of Revaluation of the System of Pensions of the Social Security, restoring the CPI increase as a reference value for the pension increases ",  said Fernandez. The councilor added that "for  the adoption of the new criteria of the calculation of the pensions executed since January 2103, there would be to reinstate to all pensioners the difference between revisions approved by the government and the amount that should be set on the basis of ensure the economic sufficiency of the elderly ", reporting the approval to the President of the Government Spain, ministry of Employment and Social Security and the parliamentary groups of the Congress of Deputies and Senate.

Finally add that at the beginning of the session was proceeded to keep a minute of silence for the death of the first president of the Spanish democracy, Adolfo Suárez.