Additional temporary and urgent restrictive measures in the regular transport of passengers by road and in private vehicles

Article 1. Purpose.

It is the object of this Order to establish additional temporary and urgent restrictive measures in the regular transport of passengers by road and in private vehicles, to counter the adverse developments in the COVID-19 epidemic which have occured in recent days in the Region of Murcia.

Article 2. Additional measures.

On a temporary basis, the following additional measures are established to the entire territory of the Region of Murcia in regular passenger transport by road and in private vehicles:

2.1. In motorcycles, mopeds and category L vehicles, in general, that are provided with two approved seats (driver and passenger) two people may travel. The use of gloves will be mandatory for the passenger and also by the driver in the case of motorcycles and mopeds intended for shared use. For these purposes, protective gloves will be motorcyclist protection.

2.2. In private individual and complementary private transports of people in vehicles with up to nine seats, including the driver, may travel as many people as there are seats in the vehicle, as long as they all live in the same address.

2.3. In private individual and complementary private transport of people in vehicles with up to nine seats, including the driver, when not all of them live in the same address, they may occupy 50% of the places available, provided they respect the maximum possible distance between the occupants.

2.4. In vehicles in which, due to their technical characteristics, only one row of seats is available, as in the case of HGV cabins, vans, or others, a maximum of two people may travel, always keeping the maximum possible distance.

2.5. In regular public, discretionary and complementary private bus transport the number of passengers, in which all occupants must be seated, the use 50% of the seats will be permitted. When the occupancy level allows, the maximum separation between users must be ensured.

2.6. In urban and suburban public passenger transport, in which there are areas for the transport of standing passengers 50% of the seated places can be occupied plus an occupancy maximum of two users for each square metre in the area established for standing travel, in all cases seeking the maximum separation between passengers.

2.7. In vehicles with an odd number of seats the occupancy will be rounded up.

2.8. Whenever a person who travels in a vehicle does not live in same address as the other passengers, all of them must use a mask.

Article 3. Application of the measures adopted.

3.1. Citizens must actively collaborate in compliance with the measures provided for in this Order.

3.2. In any event, individualised breaches of this order may constitute an administrative offence in accordance with the provisions of Decree Law 8/2020, of July 16, which establishes the sanctioning penalties for non-compliance with the prevention and containment applicable in the Region of Murcia to face the crisis situation health caused by COVID-19 and other applicable regulations. The police and security forces will report the contraventions of failure to comply with the prevention measures to the authorities responsible.

Article 4. Surveillance and control of the measures adopted. Cooperation and collaboration between Public Administrations.

4.1 The surveillance, inspection and control of compliance with the restriction and prevention included in this Order will be under the control of the appropriate state, regional and local authorities, according to the jurisdiction distribution system provided for in applicable regulations.

4.2. This Order will be transferred to the Government Delegation and to the City and Town Councils of the Region of Murcia, in order to seek their cooperation and collaboration, where appropriate, through the security forces and the local police, for the control and application of the adopted measures.

Article 5. Efficacy.

This Order will enter into force 48 hours after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia, and will have an initial validity of thirty days counting from 00:00 hours on the day of its entry into force (Saturday 22nd August).

This validity may be extended if required by the evolution of the epidemiological situation.

Murcia, August 19, 2020. — The Minister of Health, Manuel Villegas García.