To inform the owners and employees of commercial establishments of the conditions against Covid-19

I. Objectives:

To inform the owners and employees of commercial establishments of the conditions.

1. Ensure that the owners and employees of establishments in the exercise of the commercial activity complies with the sanitary and control obligations of capacity in commercial establishments established by the Resolutions of June 19 and July 13, 2020, from the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Presidency and Finance.

2. Cooperate with other inspection bodies for greater effectiveness of the measures adopted by the Autonomous Authority of the Region of Murcia against COVID-19.

3. Establish information flow mechanisms that are required by the health authorities and the coordination of the pandemic measures, with the regularity and detail that are required.

II. Measures to be adopted by commercial establishments against COVID-19. Inspection proceedings.

The physical or legal persons who are inspected for the verification of compliance with measures adopted by the Regional Authority to face the pandemic, will be obliged to allow free access to their establishments and facilities to accredited inspection personnel, as well as provide them with the necessary collaboration that is requested or required in relation to the inspections they are subject to.

A) General prevention and hygiene measures.

The internal trade inspection of the General Directorate of Commerce and Business Innovation will ensure that commercial establishments meet the conditions and that the owners and employees of the same adopt the following measures:

- That the premises enjoy adequate ventilation, cleaning and disinfection of frequented spaces and materials, especially those of shared or successive use (cleaning at least 2 times a day).

- That workers and clients have soap and water, hydro-alcoholic gels or disinfectants with authorized virucidal activity.

- That the premises have waste bins equipped with a pedal and adequate means for the disposal of tissues and protective and cleaning materials.

- That the use of stairs is promoted, and the use of lifts is limited for more than one person at a time, except in the case of cohabitants or use of masks by all users.

- That in spaces of up to 4 square meters such as toilets, lockers, changing rooms, lactation rooms or similar, use is limited to one person, except companions in cases where assistance is needed.

- That in the commercial establishment there is signage and marking of safety distances on the ground or similar, especially where queues or waiting times are generated (checkouts and changing rooms).

- That payment by electronic card or other is encouraged and to prioritize means that do not involve physical contact, with frequent disinfection of devices.

B) General organizational and capacity measures.

- That the owner of the commercial establishment provides information to workers and customers about the maximum capacity allowed and there are measures adopted by the owner of the business to organise and monitor with flow control (The maximum capacity will be conditional on compliance with the distance interpersonal minimum of 1.5 meters, which will not be required in the case of people who cohabit).

- That there are organizational measures to avoid crowds both at the entrance as at the exit, which must be staggered and with respect for interpersonal safety distance in the case the commercial establishment having two or more doors, it will establish a differentiated use of input and output.

- That there is adequate signage for the movement of people through the commercial establishment designed to comply with the minimum distance interpersonal 1.5 meters.

- That there are, where appropriate, automatic opening and closing doors that avoid manipulation of manual opening mechanisms for access and exit to the commercial establishment.

C) Specific containment and gauging measures applicable to retail establishments and business premises.

- That the owner of the commercial establishment has established organizational measures and instructions given to the staff, that allow the control of capacity in the commercial premises (the maximum occupancy allowed will be 75% of the capacity of the premises that appears in the opening licence) in the case of establishments or premises distributed over several floors, the presence of customers must keep this same proportion.

- That there are organizational measures and instructions given to the staff of the commercial establishment, for preferential attention to groups of special vulnerability (people with disabilities, over 65s, etc.).

- There are supervision measures by the commercial establishment staff for the use of products for trial and test by customers and their subsequent disinfection (not allowed in cosmetic, personal hygiene products and food). Garments that have been tried and returned products, are sanitized before being made available to the public again.

- That if there are changing rooms, the use is controlled to a single person each time (except when used by people who need assistance), proceeding frequently with disinfection The garments that have been tried, and returned products, are sanitized before being made available to the public again.

D) Establishments that have the status of commercial centres and parks or that are part of them.

- They will have to adopt the same general measures in terms of prevention and hygiene and organizational and capacity, contained in sections A) and B).

- They must also observe the specific containment measures and capacity applicable to establishments and retail stores indicated in section C).

- In the common and recreational areas of shopping centres and parks the Maximum occupancy allowed will be 50% of the centre's capacity.

- Shopping centres and parks must display the maximum capacity to the public, which must include the workers themselves, and ensure that said capacity and interpersonal distance are respected inside, having established action plans that allow the counting and control of capacity, so that this is not exceeded at any time.

- In the children's areas or rest areas of the centres or parks the necessary measures shall be adopted to prevent a concentration of people making it difficult to maintain the general measures of social distancing.

- There will be preferentially assistance for those people who belong to groups of special vulnerability to COVID-19, such as people elderly or disabled.

III. Number of inspections:

Up to December 31, 2020, 400 inspections will be carried out.

IV. Results:

Monthly or in a period established by the health authority or responsible coordinating body, evaluated inspection activities will be carried out.

Once the validity period of the program has ended (December 31, 2020), a report will be made on the activities carried out by the Internal Trade Inspection.

Second: The actions and measures to be adopted that are contemplated in the Internal Trade Inspection Program may be modified, without need to issue a new Resolution, in the event that the health authority or body of responsible coordination, any regulative provision is issued or is required by the General Directorate of Commerce and Business Innovation in this regard.

Third: Supply information to the Associations and Federations of most representative merchants in the Region of Murcia, of the modification of the Internal Trade Inspection Program.

Fourth: Publish the present in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia Resolution (BORM).

Murcia, August 6, 2020. — The General Director of Commerce and Innovation Business, María José Ros Olivo.