This Order shall enter into force at the time of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia (BORM)

Article 1. Purpose.

It is the object of this order to establish the set of measures of restriction, both general and specific, to deal with the unfavourable evolution of the COVID-19 epidemic in the Region of Murcia, in application and concretion of the Agreement of August 14, 2020, approved unanimously by the Plenary of the Inter-territorial Council of the National System of Health, on the declaration of coordinated actions in public health responding to the situation of special risk derived from the increase in positive cases of COVID-19.

Article 2. Scope of application. Extension.

This Order will be applicable to all citizens who are in the Region of Murcia, as well as the economic and social sectors of activity referred to in this Order, and will remain in force, as long as it is not revoked or modify the aforementioned Agreement of the Inter-territorial Council of the National System of Health or until a new Order of this Ministry is approved that modify, modulate or expand the list of measures contained in this provision.

Article 3. Applicable regulations.

In general, the prevention measures applicable to the different economic and social sectors will be those contained in the Agreement of 19 June 2020 of the Governing Council regarding prevention and containment applicable in the Region of Murcia to face the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19, after the end of the state of emergency and for the reactivation phase, although they will be subject and conditioned in application to the extraordinary restrictions provided for in articles following.

Article 4. Extraordinary measures of a general nature.

4.1. Citizens must maximise compliance with the hygiene measures, prevention and capacity regulations provided for in Section I of the annex to the Agreement of June 19, 2020 of the Governing Council regarding the prevention measures and containment applicable in the Region of Murcia to address the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19, after the end of the emergency status and for the reactivation phase.

4.2. In general, participation in any group or private or unregulated meeting is limited to a maximum number of 10 people, taking place in both public and private spaces.

4.3. Citizens should endeavour to reduce as much as possible their social encounters, limiting their participation to their stable cohabiting or usual group.

4.4. The consumption of alcohol on public roads is prohibited, as well as holding large botellones (drinking parties), spontaneous parties and, in general, any activity unregulated, in public or private spaces, involving crowds and not are previously authorised.

4.5. It is also not allowed to smoke on public roads or in outdoor spaces. when it is not possible to respect a minimum interpersonal distance of at least 2 metres. This limitation will also be applicable in the terraced areas of hotel and restaurant establishments.

Article 5. Specific measures applicable to certain sectors of activity regulated in Section II of the annex to the Agreement of June 19 2020, of the Governing Council.

The following specific restrictive measures are established, applicable to certain sectors of activity, regulated in section II of the Annex to the Agreement of June 19, 2020 of the Governing Council. This agreement will be, consequently, without effect in everything that opposes the provisions of the present order:

5.1. The activity of dedicated leisure establishments discos, dance halls, karaoke, pubs, cocktail bars with and without performances live musicals is suspended, referred to in subsection 9 of section II of annex of the Governing Council Agreement of June 19, 2020.

5.2. The activities carried out by the hospitality establishments, restaurants and terraces, as well as beach bars and restaurants, provided in subparagraph 8 of section II of the annex to the Agreement of the Council of Government of June 19, 2020, will be held with attendees seated in tables or group of tables, with 10 being the maximum number of people who can participate on each one of them.

5.3. It is prohibited to carry out karaoke or sporadic performances or amateur singing or dancing in catering and hotel establishments.

5.4. The latest night closing time of the establishments referred to in section 2 of this article is set at 01.00 hours, not being permitted to admit new clients from 00:00.

5.5. The realisation and organisation of any acts, celebrations and events of a massive nature in the activities which is envisaged in section II of the annex to the Agreement of June 19, 2020 of the Council of Government, will require the completion of a risk assessment as provided in the document “Recommendations for mass events and activities in the context of new normality due to covid-19 in Spain ”, agreed in the Commission of Public Health of the Inter-territorial Council of the National Health System. To that end, the organisers and promoters of these mass events must prepare a contingency plan that must be subject to prior authorisation by the responsible body of the Ministry of Health. For the purposes of this section, those in which the forecast maximum participation of attendees is equal to or greater than 400 people.

Article 6. Specific measures related to the organizational sectors measures contained in Section III of the Annex to the Agreement of June 19, 2020, of the Governing Council.

6.1. In order to guarantee the necessary means and resources, as well such as the organisational capacities of the regional health system, within the framework of the Early Response Plan in a pandemic control scenario by COVID-19, by the Ministry of Health and the Murcian Health Service reinforce and adopt the necessary measures and instructions that guarantee the best possible response to any eventual increase in infections and outbreaks in the region.

6.2. The sectoral organisational measures related to the obligation to report on the situation of the care capacity and the needs of human and material resources, to the communication of data by laboratories, to the provision of spaces and accommodation to meet health needs, to the use of private health centres, services and establishments, where appropriate, to collaborate with the requirements of the health authorities, needs on medicines and pharmaceutical products, referred to in the Sections 1 to 5 of Section III of the annex to the Agreement of June 19, 2020, of the Governing Council, should be the object of special attention and monitoring by each of the responsible governing bodies of the Health Administration, being able to dictate those instructions and executive resolutions that are deemed necessary to guarantee their effective compliance.

6.3. Specifically, in order to ensure the earliest detection possible of contagion and possible outbreaks, screening will be carried out with PCR tests in those populations at risk and potentially exposed, such as, residents in socio-health centres, municipalities, districts or neighbourhoods with community transmission or with a high rate of infections, educational centres, affected blocks of houses, vulnerable groups etc.

6.4. In the field of residential socio-sanitary or service centres of the elderly and people with disabilities, without prejudice to the specific measures and protocols and instructions approved by the authorities responsible for matters of social services and provided that they were not already provided, by the heads of the centres the following measures and actions must be implemented in the field of health:

6.4.1. PCR testing will be performed on all new resident admissions a maximum 72 hours in advance. It will also be done to workers of residences returning from leave and vacations, as well as new employees joining the centre.

It may, where appropriate, establish the periodic performance of PCR testing of workers of these centres who have direct contact with residents, in accordance with the protocols drawn up by the responsible bodies in coordination with health authorities

6.4.2. Visits should be limited to one person per resident, taking extreme prevention measures, and with a maximum duration of one hour a day. guaranteeing the staggering of visits to residents throughout the day. These measures may be exempted in the case of people who are in end-of-life process, in accordance with the protocols developed by the responsible bodies.

6.4.3. Residents leaving the centres will be limited to the maximum socio-sanitary.

Article 7. Application of the measures adopted.

7.1. Citizens must actively collaborate in compliance with the measures provided for in this Order.

7.2. Said collaboration will refer not only to compliance with the measures and obligations established in the Order, but also to the acceptance and response to the requirements formulated by the health authorities, especially to obey the measures of home isolation, quarantines and performing PCR tests.

7.3. In any case, individualised breaches of the provisions of this order may constitute an administrative offence in accordance with the provisions of Decree Law 8/2020, of July 16, which establishes the sanctioning regime for non-compliance with the prevention and containment applicable in the Region of Murcia to face the crisis situation health caused by COVID-19 and other applicable regulations. The police and security forces will tranmit the reports made by the failure to comply with the prevention measures to the responsible authorities.

7.4. In addition, in view of such non-compliances, as many acts as necessary may be adopted, including when appropriate, the request for judicial ratification of the measures adopted, in accordance with provided in article 8.6 of Law 29/1998, of July 13, regulating the Contentious-administrative jurisdiction.

Article 8. Surveillance and control of the measures adopted. Cooperation and collaboration between Public Administrations.

8.1. The surveillance, inspection and control of compliance with the restriction and prevention included in this Order will correspond to the responsible state, regional and local authorities, according to the distribution system jurisdiction provided for in the applicable regulations.

8.2. The Government Delegation and the Municipalities for the purpose of seeking cooperation and collaboration, in their case, through the security forces and local police, for the purpose of control and application of the measures adopted.

Repeal provision. Repeal

The Order of July 20, 2020, of the Ministry of Health, is repealed by which restrictive measures are adopted in relation to the Agreement of 19 June 2020, of the Governing Council, regarding prevention and containment applicable in the Region of Murcia to face the crisis situation health caused by COVID-19, after the end of the state of emergency and for the reactivation phase, as well as the Order of August 12, 2020 of the Ministry of Health, by which extraordinary measures of character are adopted temporary for public health reasons to contain the outbreak of COVID-19 appeared in the municipality of Totana.

Unique final provision. Entry into force.

This Order shall enter into force at the time of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia (BORM).

Murcia, August 15, 2020. — The Minister of Health, Manuel Villegas García.