Restrictive measures general and specific exceptional and temporary nature, given the unfavourable evolution of the COVID-19 epidemic experienced in recent days in the area of the Region of Murcia

Article 1. Purpose.

It is the object of this order to establish a set of restrictive measures general and specific exceptional and temporary nature, given the unfavourable evolution of the COVID-19 epidemic experienced in recent days in the area of the Region of Murcia.

Article 2. Scope of application.

The set of measures established in this order will be applicable throughout the region of Murcia.

Article 3. General measures of restriction of an exceptional nature and temporary.

In general, participation in any group or meeting of private or unregulated nature is limited to a maximum number of 6 people, taking place both in public and private spaces, except for cohabiting people.

Article 4. Specific measures applicable to certain sectors of activity regulated in section II of the annex to the Agreement of June 19, 2020, of the Governing Council.

On a temporary and exceptional basis, the following specific restrictive measures are established, applicable to certain sectors of activity, included in section II of the annex to the Agreement of June 19, 2020 of the Governing Council. This Agreement, as well as the Order of August 15, 2020 of the Ministry of Health will, consequently, be without effect in everything that opposes the provisions of this order:

4.1. In hotel and restaurant establishments regulated in subsection 8 of section II of the annex to the Governing Council Agreement of June 19, 2020, the maximum number of occupants of the tables or groups of them is established at six people, except in In the case of cohabitants, the consumption of food and drink in bars and serving windows is prohibited.

4.2. The limitations established for the hotel and catering establishments, both in the Order of August 15, 2020 of the Ministry of Health and in this Order, regarding the maximum number of occupants per table, the prohibition of consumption in bars and the maximum fixed night closing time will also be applicable to the general provision of food and beverage service regardless of the type of establishment in which it takes place.

4.3. In the case of marriage celebrations and other civil and religious ceremonies referred to in subparagraph 3 of section II of the annex to the Agreement, the maximum number of participants will be thirty people, both indoors and outdoors, who must remain sitting.

The owner of the establishment must designate a person responsible for compliance with the rules in each celebration who will have the obligation to record the data of the workers and participants so that, where appropriate, they can be used in the epidemiological investigation of contacts.

4.4. The maximum number of assistants to funerals and burials or cremation groups, both in public and private facilities, will be fifteen people in closed spaces and twenty-five in open-air spaces.

4.5. The activity of brothels or hostess clubs is suspended, whatever the epigraph of section II of the annex to the Agreement of June 19, 2020 in which they are integrated and regardless of the type of licence under which their activity is developed.

4.6. In general, the number of participants or attendees who can attend all those activities and events limited to a maximum of one hundred people, regulated in section II of the annex to the Governing Council Agreement of June 19, 2020, in the that a maximum participation equal to or greater than one hundred people was expressly foreseen, and this regardless of whether its celebration takes place in outdoor spaces or in closed premises.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, said figure may be increased to a maximum of four hundred people, as long as a risk assessment is carried out in accordance with the document “Recommendations for mass events and activities in the context of the new normality due to COVID-19 in Spain ”, Agreed in the Public Health Commission of the Inter-territorial Council of the National Health System and the organizers and promoters of these events draw up a contingency plan, which must be subject to prior validation by the responsible body of the Ministry of Health. Said validation will be subject to the specific epidemiological situation of each municipality at the time of the request, the characteristics of the type of act or event proposed, and compliance with the aforementioned Recommendations.

For the purposes of this section, it will be considered that there is a participation or attendance of more than one hundred people when it is foreseen that a simultaneous concentration of people greater than the indicated figure may occur in a single space, room or locale.

Article 5. Application of the measures adopted.

5.1. Citizens must actively collaborate in the fulfilment of the measures provided for in this Order.

5.2. In any case, individualized breaches of the provisions of this order may constitute an administrative offence in accordance with the provisions of Decree Law 8/2020, of July 16, which establishes the penalty regime for failure to comply with the prevention and containment measures applicable in the Region of Murcia to counter the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19 and other applicable regulations. The security forces and bodies will report the complaints they make for non-compliance with the preventive measures to the authorities responsible.

Article 6. Surveillance and control of the measures adopted. Cooperation and collaboration between Public Administrations.

6.1. The surveillance, inspection and control of compliance with the restriction and prevention measures included in this Order will correspond to the relevant state, regional and local authorities, according to the system of jurisdiction distribution provided for in the applicable regulations.

6.2. This Order will be transferred to the Government Delegation and the Town Councils will be informed in order to obtain their cooperation and collaboration, where appropriate, through the security forces and local police, for control and application of the measures adopted.

Article 7. Repeal.

The Order of August 26, 2020 of the Ministry of Health is repealed, by which additional exceptional and temporary measures are adopted to face the unfavourable evolution of the COVID-19 epidemic that has occurred in recent days in the Region of Murcia.

Article 8. Efficacy.

This Order will enter into force on the same day of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia, and will have an initial validity of fourteen calendar days, counting from the day after its publication.