The accused drove to Alicante Airport for 80€

Mazarrón Local Police has denounced to 8 people that in a clandestine way  were providing services as taxi driver illegally in the town. These complaints are a result of a special device deployed by the police during the last two months and destined to combat this illegal practice. Police officers have gathered information during this time  about people and vehicles that allegedly offered illegal services as taxi driver, as well as the routes that they made.

Due to the difficulty to take these people “in fraganti”, the Local Police had to use camouflaged vehicles besides of mobiles with which have been made calls to the alleged illegal taxi drivers, for which it was used interpreters. This effort has finished with the complaint of 8 people of English and Moroccan nacionalities, who drove people of their same country or  poeple from  Malí, Senegal or Ecuador.

Between the routes that the accused made can be stood out, mainly, trips to Aicante airport for 80€ , to the small local areas, as well between the two large urban cores of the town, Mazarrón and Puerto. The prices of these trips to the small local areas were betwee 8 and 10 euros, while that the trips from Mazarrón to Puerto and vice versa were between 4 and 5 Euros.

All of them are linked with the activity of acting in a clandestine way giving a public service of passenger  transport in car light (AUTOTAXIS) without the corresponding authorization; proceeding even to denounce to one of them to Transport Counseling and fulfilling in this manner all the prescriptions and peculiarities provided by  Ordenación de Transportes Terrestres Law (management of land transport law). From the immbolization, in this case, of the vehicle with foreign registration used for this  practice to the payment of the appropriate sanction of 1.501 Euros.

The other seven car, that used vehicles with national registration, have been sanctioned by the municipal law that regulates  the service of autotaxi  with fine of until 450 Euros. Police Council thanks the cooperation of citizens, as well to the taxi driver Association of the town that without their help it has not been possible the success of the operation. Police Council is still working about this case to try to eradicate the secrecy in the works of the taxi driver of Mazarrón.